The Medieval Alien Saint and Wolf Boy

The Serpentine History of the Saint, with its final chapters, will be published in 2024. 

At the end of the last chapter, protagonists Frankie and Will have the following conversation.

Frankie gazed at the ceiling. Soon, she would sleep and Will would be there. Eventually, she supposed, he would be there when she was awake—a trusted companion, more than a voice.

She said, “You didn’t want me to notice the boy. The boy in Bettelin’s memories. You blurred his lines. Bettelin would have known him exceedingly well, would have remembered him clearly. That boy, that Anthros-like child, he resembles Panfilo from the Space Station, the one on the news. The child without a name. The boy without a clan.”

“I went to Mars to check on Lider. I noticed Panfilo. I brought that information home.”

“And you’re concerned—because of what he might be or what he might represent.”

“Cubi don’t know any more about any thing than what the evidence shows, Frankie—the same as everyone.”

“But you’re concerned about Panfilo, about what he is. Others ought to hear your concerns, Will. Panfilo’s guardians, Quinn and Allec. And the priests on the station. Rhys. Lider. That’s information Cubi should share. You’re not alone.”

“Yes,” Will said—to everything.

I will be posting chapters about Bettelin's possible son, the wolf boy, starting next week. 

Panfilo’s Story Continues in the Next Book

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