Wolf Boy, Chapter 11, Part II

All parts from the costume box.
Pan and Kaiden found Lider questioning a group of youngsters about games on board. Miles was one of the youngsters and gave Pan and Kaiden a cheeky wave.

Lider said, “The ship has an extensive library.”

“Some of the dance games are okay.”

“Charades are better.”

“I’ll tell the captain to keep the costume box,” Lider said.  

The kids chorused agreement and departed.

“Charades and amateur theatrics,” Kaiden said.

“Only for passengers under the age of twelve,” Lider said. “Unless for religious purposes.”

The light on the observation deck was dimmer than in the corridors. Lider appeared more corporeal, a man near Kaiden’s height with what Allec called an Elvin look. Pan could make out the wide mouth and steady gaze. 

He still couldn’t read Lider’s expression, how serious Lider was with his “religious purposes” quip. Pan guessed that Lider could be entirely sincere and acerbic at the same time. Allec maintained that Lider was more spiritual than Rhys, which meant he upheld beliefs in numerous doctrines. Cubi, everyone said, were good at juggling seeming contradictions.

I need an honest Cubus right now.

Pan said, “You and Rhys are investigating something to do with the Moon, something Junad told you about me.”

“Rumors. An investigation requires leads. I’m not sure these count.”

Not an answer.

“That’s sounds totally evasive,” Kaiden muttered.

Pan had good reasons to keep Kaiden around, and Lider smiled. Pan clearly saw the lips tip upwards.

Lider said, “Francesca’s Cubus—”

“Arysllwr,” Pan said.

“Yes. Will. He thinks a connection may exist between you and a medieval saint.”

Kaiden whistled. Pan nodded. A connection may exist between you and a medieval saint sounded like one of his mother’s tales. A prince from ages past. It implied a lot for things that most Anthros wouldn’t accept.

Silence fell, and Pan became aware that he hadn’t reacted to Lier’s announcement, not with a casual whistle or a protest or an exclamation. He slued his eyes towards Lider’s ghost face.

Expressionless. Maybe. The eyes seemed sharper, more critical than Pan remembered from previous encounters. Lider as fully human would make as unnerving an impression as he did as a Cubus.

Another role model for me.

Lider said, “Maybe someone mentioned the medieval association to you?”

“No—at least—I never heard about a saint. Raine and Ruella thought I was something—anachronistic. Not their word. Unnatural.”

Lider’s brows drew together. “You never mentioned they criticized you.”

“Thought I should keep it to myself.”

Lider muttered, “You and Will think alike.”

“How long has Will thought I had a medieval connection?”

“Too long without telling anyone. Cubi have rules, some acknowledged, some not. How much they tell, how much they admit, how much they remember is a toss-up.”

“Allec says you’ve been around over two-hundred years.”

“I have. Unlike a human, I can access a specific memory intact. No confabulation. Like a human, I don’t think of the past until circumstances raise that a memory to the surface. And, like a human, what I remember doesn’t guarantee factual accuracy. My memories, like everyone’s memories, merely capture what happened at a particular time and place. The same is true for Will.”

“So you think he was right not to mention what he noticed about me. Until now.”

“Honestly? No, Panfilo, I don’t. I think Cubi keep too many secrets. They need to decide whether or not they are part of Earth’s sentient community, to stop straddling the fence. But it’s difficult to corral beings who can hide from detection.”

Rhys said, “Francesca is good at the corralling bit.”

He settled on the bench beside Lider, hands in pockets. He was wearing his priestly garb, which Pan thought made him look less like a religious leader and more like a pirate from the old films Allec liked to watch.

Lider laughed. “Yeah. But only because Will wants her good opinion.” 

Pan said, “Does he think I’m a clone of that saint? Or a descendent?”

“He doesn’t know. Nobody does. Junad made claims. Rhys and I will track down the source of those claims. But there’s no signpost here. We don’t know where we might end up.”

“I could talk to Will through Francesca. When we reach Earth.”

“Your safety—” Rhys said.

“Kaiden will go with me.”

Kaiden turned from the observation deck’s long window and said, “Yup.”

Pan added, “And I’ll wear a disguise.”

A sweatshirt with a hoodie. He could wrap his tail around his waist. Don sunglasses.

Lider muttered, “More costumes. Was making Todd an anathema to the captain and crew revenge for you? Or for Allec?”

“Todd has hurt a lot of people.”

Lider huffed, but Rhys said, “Perhaps next time, you should warn Kaiden not to look so jaunty when you outmaneuver an enemy.”

Yes, next time, we will have to dispose of our enemies more subtly.

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